O Arglwydd rho i mi dafod

(Clodforedd y gwaredigion - Rhan I)
O Arglwydd rho i mi dafod,
  Na thawo ddydd na nos,
Ond adrodd heb ddiffygio,
  Am rinwedd
      gwaed y groes;
Na ddelo gair o'm genau,
  Yn ddirgel nac ar g'oedd,
Ond am fod Iesu anwyl,
  Yn wastad wrth fy modd.

O Iesu, pwy all beidio,
  Dy ganmol ddydd a nos?
A phwy all beidio cofio,
  Dy farwol ddwyfol loes?
A phwy all beidio a chanu,
  Am iachawdwriaeth râd,
Ag sydd yn teimlo gronyn,
  O rinwedd pur dy waed?

Gwaredu ei saint o uffern,
  A phechod drwg ei ryw,
O safn y bedd ac angeu,
  A'u dwyn i fynwes Duw;
A'u harwain trwy'r anialwch,
  A'r bryniau anial syth:
A grëa nef y nefoedd,
  Yn gân heb ddiwedd byth.

O enw ardderchoccaf,
  Yw enw marwol glwy!
Caniadau'r holl angylion,
  A fydd fath enw mwy;
Bydd yr anfeidrol ddyfais,
  O brynedigaeth dyn,
Can raddau filoedd yno,
  Yn cael eichanu'n un.
William Williams 1717-91
Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829

Tôn [7676D]: Denton Green (<1829)

  Rhan II - Ni fedr daear ganu
  O enw ardderchocaf
  O Iesu pwy all beidio?

(The praise of the delivered - Pat 1)
O Lord give me a tongue,
  Silent neither day nor night,
But reporting without tiring,
  About the merit of
      the blood of the cross;
May no word come from my mouth,
  Secretly or publicly,
But that beloved Jesus,
  Is constantly my delight.

O Jesus, who can not
  Praise thee day and night?
And who can not remember,
  Thy dying, divine anguish?
And who can not sing,
  About free salvation,
Who is feeling a grain
  Of the pure merit of thy blood?

Delivering his saints from hell,
  And sin of an evil kind,
From the jaws of the grave and death,
  And bringing them to the bosom of God;
And leading them through the desert,
  And creating the heaven of heavens,
  As a song without end forever.  

O a most famous name,
  Is the name of a mortal wound!
The songs of all the angels,
  Shall be such a name evermore;
The immortal scheme of the redemption
  Of man shall be
By a thousands of degrees there,
  Getting sung as one.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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